Unlike many firms these days - we do not send any of this work offshore, nor outsource, or sub-contract any of this work.
All your work is done by our in-house, professional tax agents in Brisbane and on the Sunshine Coast, working on-site from our Ascendia offices in Maroochydore, Noosa and North Lakes.
The back offices of our professional suites are only accessible to authorised Ascendia staff. Your records, and your personal information, are only accessed by Ascendia employees.
Your financial and personal information is retained securely on site at Ascendia's offices in archives storage - a secure space which is alarmed and continuously monitored. Our servers are heavily secure and firewalled, and are maintained by Queensland Information Technology Services Pty Ltd. We return all your original records to you when we have completed the work required of us.
We do not use sub-contractors or casual or part time staff who 'work from home', and who, as a result, have your records in environments that are not secure. We do not allow staff to 'take your file home' or 'work from home' for these very same reasons.
Your privacy and security is maintained by having your work dealt with only by tried-and-trusted in-house employees working on our secure premises.
We take your information, and financial and personal records, and identity security, very seriously. Our commitment to absolute security is one of the many reasons we are one of the leading business accountants North Brisbane and Sunshine Coast business owners trust.
For more details about this service go to General Purpose Financial Reporting.